Korea Zinc is leading financial track record in our industry


[Executive Summary]

  • Korea Zinc has maintained its industry-leading position and is outperforming its closest peers, including Young Poong.
  • Korea Zinc has outperformed dissident’s financial track record in terms of growth, profitability, cashflow generation, shareholder returns and ESG for the last 10 years.
  • Share price and total shareholder return rate has outperformed domestic industry peers since Chairman Choi’s appointment as CEO in ‘19.


1. Korea Zinc has maintained its industry-leading position and is outperforming its closest peers, including Young Poong



2. Share price and total shareholder return have outperformed domestic industry peers since 2019, Chairman Choi’s appointment as CEO


3. Korea Zinc has outperformed the dissident’s financial track record in terms of growth and profitability for the last 10 years


4. Korea Zinc valuation is trending the dissident on a long-term basis


5. In 2024, Korea Zinc was recognized as the “1H ESG-leading company” and “No.1 non-ferrous metals company” by the three major rating institutes, including Sustinvest and Korea ESG Research, demonstrating its leading ESG performance within the industry

Korea Zinc actively participates in initiatives such as the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) and was awarded the Carbon Management Special Award in the “Climate Change” category at the 2022 CDP Korea Awards (score B). The company also focuses heavily on responding to the Ecovadis initiative, which specializes in supply chain management