Korea Zinc’s Governance Track Record & Improvement Plans


[Executive Summary]

– Korea Zinc has consistently strengthened governance by improving the board’s independence (separating the Board Chair and CEO) and ensuring all members of committees consist of independent directors only

– Korea Zinc will continue to further improve the governance by strengthening board competence based on BSM analysis, securing an appropriate pool of candidates, electing an independent director as chair, improving board diversity, and appointing IR dedicated independent director

– Korea Zinc, in response to recent feedback from domestic and overseas shareholders, held multiple meetings, including outside directors, to review shareholder input and decided to cancel the issuance of new shares


1. Korea Zinc will continue its efforts to enhance governance for better shareholder and corporate value


2. Korea Zinc will focus on securing a diversified and balanced skillset within the Board by assessing the current BSM (Board Skill Matrix) and securing candidates that possess the skillset necessary


3. Korea Zinc, in response to recent feedback from domestic and overseas shareholders, held multiple meetings, including outside directors, to review shareholder input and decided to cancel the issuance of new shares. Korea Zinc has a plan to strengthen IR communications.